Applications for 2021 will open in January!
Important Information
What you're
signing up for:
Working 10 weeks, 20 hours a week from June 15th through August 21st
Attending 10 professional development sessions to improve your "Soft Skills" such as resume writing, interviewing, and more.
Developing mentoring and supportive relationships with Summer Works staff and employers
Important Dates
Amidst the growing concerns around COVID-19, our goal is to modify SummerWorks programming to protect the health and safety of everyone involved in our program. All events previously scheduled for the month of April have been postponed; please check back soon for updated event dates.
What you will get out of the program:
Paid Summer Internship (10/hr for high school; 12/hr for college
Skills building in key areas such as money management and workplace etiquette
Networking with local professionals
Exploration of potential career paths
What you need to apply
Reliable contact information
Valid identification
Parent/Guardian contact information
Annual household income
Interest area for your summer jobs