Mentorship Program
SummerWorks Mentorship Curriculum
The SummerWorks Mentorship Curriculum is designed to help guide mentorship relationships and meetings. This resource includes weekly discussion prompts, best practices, and icebreakers. Click here to download the Virtual Mentorship Curriculum.
Additional Resources and Helpful Links
Once again, thank you for becoming a SummerWorks mentor. Below is a list of helpful program documents and mentoring resources that you may want to reference throughout your time as a mentor. If you have any useful mentoring resources you’d like to see added to this section, please email us at
SummerWorks Documents
A Guide to Unlearn Your Racism and Be Actively Anti-Racist (Resources for White Allies)
Policy Link - Guides to Race-Sensitive Responses to COVID-19
Rethinking “Hustle Culture” or “The Busy Culture” of America
Self-Care Tips for Black People Who Are Struggling With This Very Painful Week
Supporting Young People in the Wake of Violence and Trauma
Note: SummerWorks does NOT condone the suggestion in this document to involve law enforcement. Please reach out to SummerWorks directly with any concerns or questions you may have.
Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They’re Okay — Chances Are They’re Not